He set up and grew the NMR capability at Merck Frosst Canada (Montreal), and went on to lead the NMR team at Astra Zeneca in the UK (Loughborough). Finally, he was VP of R&D at Mestrelab Research.
He led many initiatives, new at the time, but now quite accepted .
Together with an outreach to fellow scientists and students, NMR became widely adopted as a routine and automatic, structural tool for chemists.
- As an adjunct to drug discovery, NOEs were used to probe 3D conformation. NMR was adopted as a structural tool for compound generated by biotransformations.
- For the scale-up and development teams, the first chemical reactor and NMR spectrometer was built to monitor chemical reaction progress at scale.
- The potential of NMR as a quantitation tool was championed in the wider community
In the world of software development, Mnova evolved as the eminent choice for concentration and purity determination. Reaction monitoring and trend extraction is a simple-to-use tool.
These activities were accompanied with frequent participation at international meetings, often as an invited speaker.
Michael graduated from the University of British Columbia with a PhD in Physical Organic Chemistry. His thesis focused on 2D NMR and ESR as applied to (modified) carbohydrates.